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Casselview LoGo


  • Six T/C matches today and all close
  • "B" Vinnie vs Pepilepu = Tie(next weekend)
  • "Mixed" Precious/Chef vs Kaki/Ripzone = Precious/Chef
  • "Senior" Slinky vs Gator = Slinky (default)
  • "C" Twindad vs BearCat = Twindad
  • "B" HaleStorms vs Chill = HaleStorm
  • "A" SpringLakes vs DeeJay = SpringLakes
  • Congratulations & Good Luck in your next round .
  • Thanks to Ripzone for the Dynamic Physio & Chiro skins report
  • 5 skins today and Only one to Chef and 4 yes four to HaleStorm which she had 1 with an EAGLE on hole #17
  • Great golf Slammers
  • The Culligan Doggie report presented by Pepilepu
  • 5 par 3's today and all were hit
  • #3 HaleStorm 18'
  • #5 Bearcat 23'
  • #7 Chef 5ft.
  • #14 SpringLakes 15'
  • #16 Slinky 18 inches
  • Great Shots Slammers
  • What a beautiful Slammer Tour family


  • Such an easy game that we make it so complicated
  • Slinky drives his ball #17 over the tree's & Vinnie says " I think I saw a splash " Pepi " That was probably the drops you put in your eyes "
  • HaleStorm came through . No mercy
  • Maybe we should call her the Bone Collector ?
  • Don't tell YipMeister
Event: Casselview
Sun May 31, 2015
What a great day today at Casselview G.C.. A little cool and breezy to start but that all changed for fantastic weather with very little wind , temperature warmed up , giving us Slammers a chance to shed some clothing and even the sun made an appearance . To our delight . We had 5 groups with 6 T/C matches . All close just amazing . Congratulations to those who are moving forward . Good Luck in your next T/C Matchers . See You Soon , Thanks Pepilepu

HaleStorm is our 1st Star today . She may not have won all her matches but she did what she had to and that's winning her Woman's T/C. She had a stellar performance against a "A" class group going 1-1-1 but pocketing the most bones in the process 91 bones . Getting 4 skins (Eagle #17) and 1 dog .Great game young lady .
Piner (r)
Piner our 2nd star a first timer to the Slammer Tour thanks to Chill for convincing her brother to step up to the tee . Well this rookie did just that defeating all his opponents going 3-0 . Good Game Piner . Hope you'll be a regular .
Chef our 3rd star with a perfect record collecting 1 skin and 1 dog and winning there T/C Mixed with Precious defeating Kaki & Ripzone . Fantastic game Chef . Just check the stats .
Onsite Coordinator
  • Pepilepu
  • Attendance: 19
  • Scoring Average: 91
  • Birdie Average: 0.32
  • Course Rating: 8
  • Best aspects of course: greens in great shape .
  • The Kids earned $18
Event Fees
  • ST Member: $47
  • EG Member: $39
  • EG Unl. Member: $34

Challenger Defender Hole Challenger Defender Hole
Piner (r) [Unr] BearCat [B56] 12 Ripzone [B9] Chef [O4] 13
Piner (r) [Unr] Turtle [B55] 14 Precious [C70] Ripzone [B9] 13
TwinDad [C48] BearCat [B56] 15 TwinDad [C48] Piner (r) [Unr] 15
Chipmein [B116] SunShine [B54] 15 BearCat [B56] Turtle [B55] 15
Precious [C70] Kaki [C32] 15 chill [B7] springlakes [A13] 15
Vinnie [B98] YipMeister [O7] 15 YipMeister [O7] Pepilepu [A23] 16
Chipmein [B116] Bobo [B28] 17 HaleStorm [O8] springlakes [A13] 16
SunShine [B54] Bobo [B28] 17 Pepilepu [A23] Slinky (r) [A14] 16
DeeJay [B29] chill [B7] 18 YipMeister [O7] Slinky (r) [A14] 16
Vinnie [B98] Slinky (r) [A14] 17
TwinDad [C48] Turtle [B55] 18
HaleStorm [O8] DeeJay [B29] 18
Vinnie [B98] Pepilepu [A23] 18
DeeJay [B29] springlakes [A13] 18
chill [B7] HaleStorm [O8] 18

Slammer Score Birds Eagles Dogs Bones Skins Bones Record Points
springlakes 83 0 0 1 19 0 0 3-0-0 6
Slinky (r) 86 1 0 1 19 0 0 3-0-0 6
Piner (r) 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-0-0 6
Turtle 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-1-0 4
Chipmein 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-0-0 4
HaleStorm 81 3 1 1 19 4 72 1-1-1 3
DeeJay 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-1 3
Pepilepu 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-1 3
Vinnie 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-1 3
Chef 73 2 0 1 19 1 18 1-0-0 2
Ripzone 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-0 2
Precious 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-0 2
SunShine 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-0 2
TwinDad 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2-0 2
BearCat 101 0 0 1 19 0 0 0-3-0 0
chill 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3-0 0
YipMeister 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3-0 0
Bobo 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2-0 0
Kaki 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-0 0

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOTAL SKINS
PAR 5 4 3 4 3 5 3 4 5 36 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 36 72
HaleStorm 6 5 3 7 4 5 4 3 7 44 3 6 6 6 3 3 4 2 4 37 81 4
Chef 5 4 3 4 3 6 3 4 5 37 5 5 5 3 3 5 2 4 4 36 73 1
springlakes 5 6 3 5 3 7 3 4 6 42 4 5 6 5 3 5 3 5 5 41 83 0
DeeJay 5 4 4 5 3 6 4 4 5 40 5 5 6 6 3 6 3 4 5 43 83 0
chill 6 4 3 5 4 5 3 4 7 41 4 6 5 6 4 6 4 4 5 44 85 0
Slinky (r) 7 5 4 4 4 8 4 5 5 46 5 5 5 6 4 4 2 4 5 40 86 0
Ripzone 6 5 4 5 3 6 3 4 6 42 4 6 6 4 5 6 3 4 6 44 86 0
Pepilepu 7 4 4 5 6 5 3 5 8 47 6 6 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 42 89 0
Vinnie 6 4 4 5 4 8 3 5 6 45 5 6 6 4 4 7 3 5 5 45 90 0
Piner (r) 6 4 4 8 4 6 3 5 6 46 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 8 45 91 0
Turtle 6 5 4 6 5 8 3 5 6 48 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 6 4 46 94 0
YipMeister 5 5 4 5 6 6 4 5 7 47 5 5 7 5 5 8 4 5 4 48 95 0
Chipmein 8 5 4 7 3 7 3 6 6 49 4 6 5 6 3 6 4 5 7 46 95 0
Precious 5 5 5 6 4 6 4 4 8 47 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 6 5 49 96 0
Bobo 7 4 4 4 4 8 4 5 8 48 6 7 6 6 5 5 3 5 7 50 98 0
TwinDad 6 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 7 44 5 8 6 8 4 7 4 8 5 55 99 0
SunShine 6 6 3 8 4 8 4 5 8 52 6 5 5 4 5 7 5 4 6 47 99 0
BearCat 8 6 6 4 3 8 4 6 6 51 6 8 8 4 5 7 3 5 4 50 101 0
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5
Legend E Eagle or Better B Birdie P Par G Bogey or Greater C Cut-off birdie

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
AS 1U 2U 3U 4U 4U 5U 5U 6U 7U 8U - - - - - - -
5 4 3 4 3 6 3 4 5 5 5 - - - - - - -
5 5 5 6 4 6 4 4 8 7 6 - - - - - - -
AS - - - - - - -
RESULT: Chef wins 8 and 7 Start match at hole:
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