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The Falcon Ridge Ladies Tour Championship
The Falcon Ridge Cup is awarded to the official Ladies Champion.

It's a season-long match-play tournament that begins in May and the initial field of players is cut in half, month-by-month, until only two competitors remain: two who go on to play for the Championship.

Thanks to Steve Spratt and the entire Falcon Ridge team for their sponsorship of this prestigious title.

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Juice wins the Ladies Tour Championship
Congratulations to Juice, the 2018 Ladies ST Match-Play Champion
2018 2017
Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship
Juice Juice
Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship
Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship Ladies Tour Championship
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Falcon Ridge Golf Club

Falcon Ridge Golf Club is a 27 hole semi-private facility located in the south end of Ottawa Ontario. It is immediately across from Rideau Carleton Racetrack Slots and is accessible within minutes from anywhere in the Ottawa area.


In addition to the championship 18-hole course, Falcon Ridge's sister course, Raceview, a fun little nine-hole course, is on the same site and offers a great alternative when you onlt have a couple of hours to spend on the course

Visit Falcon Ridge and Raceview
on the web.

Slammer Tour
The Slammer Tour. Fun and competitive match-play golf for everyone!
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