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The B-Class Tour Championship

TC Home
IttyBitty is the 2010 Promomedia B Tour Champion!
Seed Slammer
Slammer Victor
5 Smitty 8 IttyBitty IttyBitty (18th hole)

Final Four | White Tees | Deadline = Sep 31
Seed Slammer
Slammer Victor
5 Smitty 9 Chuckie Smitty (14th hole)
7 Steamer 8 IttyBitty IttyBitty (15th hole)

Elite Eight | White Tees | Deadline = Sep 19
Seed Slammer
Slammer Victor
1 Suds 9 Chuckie Chuckie (18th hole)
2 ProZee 8 IttyBitty IttyBitty (16th hole)
4 NoCents 7 Steamer Steamer (15th hole)
5 Smitty 6 Figmo Smitty (18th hole)

Sweet 16 | White Tees | Deadline = Aug 25
Seed Slammer
Slammer Victor
1 Suds Bye
2 ProZee Bye
4 NoCents Bye
5 Smitty Bye
6 Figmo Bye
7 Steamer Bye
8 IttyBitty 15 Hacker IttyBitty (17th hole)
9 Chuckie 11 PinSeeker Chuckie (default)

Round 2 | White Tees | Deadline = July 31
Seed Slammer
Slammer Victor
1 Suds Bye Suds
2 ProZee 36 Tyger ProZee (17th hole)
4 NoCents 29 Stevie Ray NoCents (18th hole)
5 Smitty 27 Caillou Smitty (default)
6 Figmo 26 Pepilepu Figmo (18th hole)
7 Steamer 25 CableGuy Steamer (16th hole)
8 IttyBitty 23 Subpar IttyBitty (14th hole)
9 Chuckie 22 Boomer Chuckie (17th hole)
11 PinSeeker 19 Gates PinSeeker (18th hole)
15 Hacker 18 Newsy Hacker (default)

Round 1 | White Tees | Deadline = June 30
Seed Slammer
Slammer Victor
1 Suds 38 Bye Suds
2 ProZee 37 Bookie ProZee (20th hole)
3 Sunny 36 Tyger Tyger (17th hole)
4 NoCents 35 Wilford NoCents (15th hole)
5 Smitty 34 Ruskie Smitty (16th hole)
6 Figmo 33 Akeem Figmo (13th hole)
7 Steamer 32 Vanilly Steamer (16th hole)
8 IttyBitty 31 Guppie IttyBitty (18th hole)
9 Chuckie 30 Penzie Chuckie (14th hole)
10 RipZone 29 Stevie Ray Stevie Ray (18th hole)
11 PinSeeker 28 Eeyore PinSeeker (17th hole)
12 Tones 27 Caillou Caillou (15th hole)
13 Beachboy 26 Pepilepu Pepilepu (18th hole)
14 Moha 25 CableGuy CableGuy (18th hole)
15 Hacker 24 TeeDub Hacker (14th hole)
16 Ziggy 23 Subpar Subpar (18th hole)
17 C-Lang 22 Boomer Boomer (17th hole)
18 Newsy 21 Rulz Newsy (18th hole)
19 Gates 20 2Fore Gates (18th hole)
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The Slammer Tour. Fun and competitive match-play golf for everyone!
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