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The Open Tour Championship The Open Tour Championship
Allen McGee (McGoop)
Cascagnette Cup
Open Tour Championship
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In Memory of Neil Cascagnette (The Lad)
Allen McGee (McGoop) is the 2016 Open Tour Champion!
Round One: 16 Players (Deadline = July 17)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Zac Wood (Woodsy) 16 Peter Pisani (Pistol Pete) Zac Wood (Woodsy) 13th
2 Allen McGee (McGoop) 15 Riad Byne (Habib) Allen McGee (McGoop) 12th
3 Craig Domville (Chef) 14 Bernie Trudel (MeekaGolf) Craig Domville (Chef) 17th
4 Andy Rajhathy (Malone) 13 Calvin Turner (Nivlac) Andy Rajhathy (Malone) 18th
5 Dave McDonald (Carpro) 12 Hunter McGee (Pickle) Hunter McGee (Pickle) Default
6 Chris Langlois (Clang) 11 Jim Phillipps (F6Noob) Jim Phillipps (F6Noob) 16th
7 Aaron Bruce (Brewcee) 10 Eric Smith (Smitty) Aaron Bruce (Brewcee) 18th
8 Todd Pearson (Fodder) 9 Carl Bouchard (Pouf) Todd Pearson (Fodder) 16th

Round Two: Elite Eight (Deadline = August 28)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Zac Wood (Woodsy) 12 Hunter McGee (Pickle) Zac Wood (Woodsy) 16th
2 Allen McGee (McGoop) 11 Jim Phillipps (F6Noob) Allen McGee (McGoop) 15th
3 Craig Domville (Chef) 8 Todd Pearson (Fodder) Todd Pearson (Fodder) 18th
4 Andy Rajhathy (Malone) 7 Aaron Bruce (Brewcee) Andy Rajhathy (Malone) 16th

Round Three: Final Four (Deadline = Before the Snow Flies)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
1 Zac Wood (Woodsy) 8 Todd Pearson (Fodder) Todd Pearson (Fodder) Default
2 Allen McGee (McGoop) 4 Andy Rajhathy (Malone) Allen McGee (McGoop) 17th

Championship Match (Deadline = Before the Snow Flies)
Seed Slammer Seed Slammer Victor
2 Allen McGee (McGoop) 8 Todd Pearson (Fodder) Allen McGee (McGoop) 18th

*** Seedings are based on previous year placing, scoring median, and minor adjustments by Slammer Tour Management ***

Send an email to if you think your registration may have been missed.

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