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Play Nation
Sun, Jul 28, 2024 @ 1:00 pm
Registration is CLOSED.
Nickname: Juice
Name: Luci Leblanc
Div Ranking: A36
Win Percentage: 58%
Teeblock: T3
Driving Distance: 200
Nickname: Patriot
Name: Justin Wright
Div Ranking: A88
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 250
Nickname: Moz
Name: Troy Crerar
Div Ranking: A4
Win Percentage: 53%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 235
Nickname: Duke
Name: Haider Abbas
Div Ranking: A5
Win Percentage: 28%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 240
Nickname: Tiger
Name: Anmar Farage
Div Ranking: B15
Teeblock: T4
Driving Distance: 230
Nickname: Melly Dee
Name: Melanie Deguire
Div Ranking: B47
Teeblock: T4
Driving Distance: 215
Nickname: Guinness
Name: Ken Lacroix
Div Ranking: D77
Teeblock: T3
Driving Distance: 220
Nickname: Pouf
Name: Carl Bouchard
Div Ranking: A13
Win Percentage: 62%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 235
Nickname: Steel Crazy
Name: John Davies
Div Ranking: B8
Win Percentage: 39%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 230
Nickname: Koala
Name: Darren Kowalchuk
Div Ranking: A24
Win Percentage: 44%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 245
Nickname: Chevy
Name: Justin Chevrier
Div Ranking: B41
Win Percentage: 27%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 250
Nickname: Big Wig
Name: Adam Langis
Div Ranking: A1
Teeblock: T6
Driving Distance: 265
Group #1     1:00
Slammer Rank Chall #1 Chall #2 Chall #3 CMPC Match Commentary
Moz A4 Big Wig Tiny Safe Shot -
Pouf A13 Moz Duke Big Wig -
Tiger B15 - - - -
Guinness D77 - - - -

Nickname: Juice
Name: Luci Leblanc
Div Ranking: A36
Win Percentage: 58%
Teeblock: T3
Driving Distance: 200
Nickname: Patriot
Name: Justin Wright
Div Ranking: A88
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 250
Nickname: Moz
Name: Troy Crerar
Div Ranking: A4
Win Percentage: 53%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 235
Nickname: Duke
Name: Haider Abbas
Div Ranking: A5
Win Percentage: 28%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 240
Nickname: Tiger
Name: Anmar Farage
Div Ranking: B15
Teeblock: T4
Driving Distance: 230
Nickname: Melly Dee
Name: Melanie Deguire
Div Ranking: B47
Teeblock: T4
Driving Distance: 215
Nickname: Guinness
Name: Ken Lacroix
Div Ranking: D77
Teeblock: T3
Driving Distance: 220
Nickname: Pouf
Name: Carl Bouchard
Div Ranking: A13
Win Percentage: 62%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 235
Nickname: Steel Crazy
Name: John Davies
Div Ranking: B8
Win Percentage: 39%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 230
Nickname: Koala
Name: Darren Kowalchuk
Div Ranking: A24
Win Percentage: 44%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 245
Nickname: Chevy
Name: Justin Chevrier
Div Ranking: B41
Win Percentage: 27%
Teeblock: T5
Driving Distance: 250
Nickname: Big Wig
Name: Adam Langis
Div Ranking: A1
Teeblock: T6
Driving Distance: 265
Group #2     1:09
Slammer Rank Chall #1 Chall #2 Chall #3 CMPC Match Commentary
Duke A5 Moz - - -
Juice A36 Duke Moz Big Wig Melly Dee
Patriot A88 Duke Pouf Moz -
Melly Dee B47 - - - Juice

* Note that groups will change as new registrations are received and challenges are modified. Final groupings will be released once registration closes.
* Scoring Volunteer: App-scorer signified by A and Card-scorer signified by C
* Ride Sharing: Needing a ride signified by N and Offering a ride signified by O

Registration Tracker
# Slammer Status Date Time
1 Juice Lottery Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:01:33 pm
2 Patriot Lottery Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:20:31 pm
3 Moz Lottery Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:11:59 pm
4 Duke Lottery Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:41:47 pm
5 Tiger Lottery Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:06:50 pm
6 Melly Dee Pre-registered Tue Jul 2, 2024 11:27:37 pm
7 Guinness Registered Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:38:35 am
8 Pouf Registered Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:30:35 am

# Slammer Date Comment
1 Jul 24, 2024 @ 6:51 am Queensway shut down on the weekend. Too difficult to get to from Kanata.
2 Jul 25, 2024 @ 3:53 pm My guy shot -7 in the opening round so am expecting to caddy all weekend!
3 Jul 25, 2024 @ 7:12 pm
4 Jul 26, 2024 @ 7:52 pm
Event Information
Deadline: Jul 27, 2024 @ 10:00 pm
Coordinator: Juice
Doggie Master: Juice
Skin Master: Tiger
Photo Master: Any Volunteers?
Non EG Member Fee: $65
EG Member Fee: $50
EG Unlimited Fee: $50
Course Member Fee: $5
Tee Blocks: Tee Block Assignments
Live Scoring: Live Scoring Link
Slammer Tour #1's
D Division
Alain "Marmotte" Godbout
C Division
Chad "Moose" Mariage
B Division
Lawrence "Bones" McKenna
A Division
Benjamin "Wolf" Coles
O Division
Sean "Flynnstone" Flynn
Doggie Master
The Doggie Master plays in the final group and measures and enters the closest-to-the-pin winners for each par-three into the app, then announces the Andrew Smith Insurance Doggie Winners during the OC's wrap-up presentation. He or she must check with the OC before teeing off to determine which Slammers are or are not in for doggies and skins, and then do the math to determine the value of each doggie. Best of all, the Doggie Master earns one Stirling Johnston Point just for volunteering!
Skin Master
Once the OC has finalized scoring results, the SwingFit Skin Master will go through the results hole-by-hole and report each skin winner during the presentation. The Doggie Master will let the Skin Master know the value of each SwingFit Skin. Also best of all, the Skin Master earns one Stirling Johnston Point just for volunteering!
Photo Master
The Photo Master takes group pictures, individual pictures, course pictures and pictures of the presentation and uploads the good ones to the Slammer Tour Shared album in Google Photos. Even more extraordinary, the Photo Master also earns one Stirling Johnston Point just for volunteering!

We Love Rookies!

Slammer Tour
The Slammer Tour. Fun and competitive match-play golf for everyone!
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