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Event Sponsor
Carleton LoGo


  • TC SENIORS: Sunny vs Spud with Sunny advancing to the next round! Congrats both of you!!
  • GRAZIE, DANKE SEHR, MERCI to Spud and Mulder for the super jobs as Doggie and Skin Masters. ALWAYS SO APPRECIATED!!
  • QUICKSNAP DOGS: Only 2 puppies adopted today worth a wopping 45 bones a pop! Puppy owners are PointZero (#8 @18ft) and Supersy (#10 @18ft)! SUPERRRRRRRRRRRR!!
  • BROKER4TICKETS SKINS: 6 skin (5 with birdies) won by Popeye, Crenshaw, Chip me in, Old Spice, Supersy and Deeker! EXCELLENT!!
  • SIGHTING: There was a Cuba sighting today as he met and chatted with all the Slammers on his home course!! NICE SEEING YOU, CUBA!!
  • MIA: We missed you today, Grumpy!!


  • You Brooke'd that putt!!
  • I golf for pleasure, I don't want to go home angry!!
  • I golf so I go home to an angry wife!!
  • Thats hole 17..12 is that way.. Good way to break 80 going that way!!
  • Crenshaw plays the wrong par 3!!
  • The group plays the wrong hole!!
  • Crenshaw says: Shot of the day! Popeye!!
  • Shot of the day! Popeye!!
  • Shot of the day! Popeye!!
  • Shot of the day! Popeye!!
  • Shot of the day! Popeye!!
  • I'm tired of saying that!!
  • We layed in some wet spots!!
  • Cuba was waiting to salute every Slammer!!
  • The green was fast uphill and slow downhill!!
  • That putt was quite a dog-crusher!!
  • All that hacking and I never got an eight!!
  • You hit that Top-Flite so hard it turned into a Callaway!!
  • I just shot a great basketball score!!
  • I’ve been between clubs a lot today!…..Well I’ve been between fairways a lot today!!!
  • You’re not supposed to yell ‘FORE’ before you hit the ball!!….You do if you are a D Class Golfer!!
  • Beatmode Twindad!!
  • I played so poorly today that the noshow Slammer would have beat me...but he took all eights...exactly!!
Event: Carleton
Mon Jul 3, 2017
The Slammers trekked out to the Carleton Golf and Yacht Club to enjoy some summer golf. This tree lined course, dotted with sufficient bunkers and water is considered a shot-maker’s course that begs for strategy and accuracy. The recent rains and wetter fairways, compounds the request for accuracy vs distance. And lots of Slammers rose to the occasion to score well match playwise while others not so much. As it turns out half of all the matches were upsets and half were successful defences with the outcome of 8 matches determined on the 18th. Now that's fun, close, fair, competitive matches. And as per usual the 19 hole allowed us the opportunity to quench our thirst, enjoy some food, do the paper work, recall some great shots, and renew our ongoing Slammer comradery. Another sweeeet Slammer event in the books. Play a round or two or visit the range as most prepare for the Commish Cup. Your OC, KC!!

Solid, solid, solid is one way to describe Popeye's performance. He takes down 2 A players and a fellow B Slammer with his match play performance. He has two birds and takes home a skin. He makes a big leap as he jumps from the rank of 131 into the top 20 and moves from B57 to B6. Sweet Slammer performance. Well done!!
The 2nd star nod to Fingz. He spent yesterday on the Champlain range working on his game and it has some big payoffs. He hitting the ball crisp and sweet as he goes 3-0-0 and registers a bird. His irons are deadly and so is his putter. This B player shoots an A score and jumps from B22 to B2. Congrats!!
There was no scully today as Mulder takes home the 3rd star honours. He goes undefeated as he puts in a solid match play round. He has been working on his game and it is showing big time. He has a low C score and is looking to settle in the C division. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!
Onsite Coordinator
  • KidsClub
  • Attendance: 19
  • Scoring Average: 90
  • Birdie Average: 0.53
  • Course Rating: 7
  • Best aspects of course:
  • The Kids earned $13
Event Fees
  • ST Member: $63
  • EG Member: $56
  • EG Unl. Member: $49

Challenger Defender Hole Challenger Defender Hole
Popeye [B51] pointZero [A12] 15 Grumpy [D1] TwinDad [C9] WDN
Chadderbox [A30] Devo [A1] 15 Grumpy [D1] Mulder [C11] WDN
Old Spice [A60] Devo [A1] 15 Grumpy [D1] Poutine [C61] WDN
Dracula [A29] Devo [A1] 15 KidsClub [C1] FingZ [B18] 11
FingZ [B18] Chipmein [B7] 16 Pistol Pete B [C40] FingZ [B18] 11
Poutine [C61] TwinDad [C9] 17 KidsClub [C1] Chipmein [B7] 13
Sunny [B17] Spud [A9] 17 Supersy [C22] Sunny [B17] 13
Mulder [C11] TwinDad [C9] 18 Supersy [C22] Spud [A9] 13
Popeye [B51] Crenshaw [A3] 18 Crowbush [B63] Crenshaw [A3] 14
pointZero [A12] Crenshaw [A3] 14
Pistol Pete B [C40] Chipmein [B7] 14
Supersy [C22] Intruder [A34] 15
Crowbush [B63] pointZero [A12] 16
Crowbush [B63] Popeye [B51] 16
Intruder [A34] Sunny [B17] 17
Pistol Pete B [C40] KidsClub [C1] 18
Old Spice [A60] Chadderbox [A30] 18
Old Spice [A60] Dracula [A29] 18
Chadderbox [A30] Dracula [A29] 18
Intruder [A34] Spud [A9] 18
Poutine [C61] Mulder [C11] 18

Slammer Score Birds Eagles Dogs Bones Skins Bones Record Points
Popeye 83 2 0 0 0 1 14 3-0-0 6
Sunny 82 1 0 0 0 0 0 3-0-0 6
FingZ 84 1 0 0 0 0 0 3-0-0 6
Dracula 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-0-1 5
Poutine 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-0-1 5
Mulder 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-0-1 5
Crenshaw 81 1 0 0 0 1 14 2-1-0 4
Chipmein 87 1 0 0 0 1 14 2-1-0 4
Chadderbox 84 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-0-2 4
Old Spice 84 0 0 0 0 1 14 1-1-1 3
Spud 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-1 3
Intruder 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1-1 3
pointZero 95 0 0 1 45 0 0 1-2-0 2
TwinDad 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2-0 2
KidsClub 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2-0 2
Supersy 96 1 0 1 45 1 14 0-3-0 0
Devo 88 2 0 0 0 1 14 0-3-0 0
Crowbush 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3-0 0
Pistol Pete B 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3-0 0
Grumpy WDN 0-3-0 0

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOTAL SKINS
PAR 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 3 4 35 3 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 36 71
Crenshaw 4 4 4 5 6 4 3 3 6 39 3 5 3 4 5 5 4 7 6 42 81 1
Popeye 7 4 4 5 5 5 6 3 6 45 3 5 3 5 4 4 4 6 4 38 83 1
Old Spice 4 6 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 42 3 6 3 4 6 5 4 5 6 42 84 1
Chipmein 4 4 6 4 5 5 5 3 7 43 4 3 5 4 6 5 6 5 6 44 87 1
Devo 6 5 5 6 4 5 5 4 5 45 4 4 4 3 7 6 4 4 7 43 88 1
Supersy 7 6 7 5 7 4 5 4 6 51 2 5 3 6 5 6 5 6 7 45 96 1
Sunny 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 5 39 3 5 3 5 8 5 4 4 6 43 82 0
Chadderbox 5 5 4 6 7 4 5 3 6 45 3 4 3 5 4 4 6 5 5 39 84 0
FingZ 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 40 3 5 5 5 4 4 6 6 6 44 84 0
Dracula 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 3 5 41 3 5 3 5 6 5 6 4 6 43 84 0
Spud 5 6 6 4 5 3 5 3 5 42 3 5 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 45 87 0
Intruder 5 4 4 5 6 5 5 3 5 42 3 4 4 6 7 4 5 7 5 45 87 0
Crowbush 6 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 42 3 6 5 6 8 6 5 4 5 48 90 0
TwinDad 5 4 4 7 6 4 4 4 6 44 3 8 6 6 6 5 5 5 7 51 95 0
pointZero 5 4 5 6 5 3 6 3 6 43 3 6 5 5 8 5 5 8 7 52 95 0
KidsClub 8 6 6 5 6 4 6 4 6 51 5 8 4 6 6 6 6 5 7 53 104 0
Pistol Pete B 8 6 5 8 8 4 5 4 7 55 4 8 5 8 6 5 5 6 8 55 110 0
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6
Legend E Eagle or Better B Birdie P Par G Bogey or Greater C Cut-off birdie

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1U 2U 3U 2U 1U 1U 2U 3U 2U 2U 3U 4U 5U 6U - - - -
4 4 4 5 6 4 3 3 6 3 5 3 4 5 - - - -
6 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 6 5 6 8 - - - -
- - - -
RESULT: Crenshaw wins 6 and 4 Start match at hole:
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