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Event Sponsor
Casselview LoGo


  • Broker4Tickets SKINS: MeekaGolf hole #1 (birdie), Lucky holes #3 (birdie) & #6 (par), Gator hole #5 (birdie) & #14 (par), Shark hole #11 (birdie) and Buster T hole #13 (birdie). Each skin was worth $5.00.
  • QuickSnap DOGGIES: Geyser on holes #3 (10ft) & #7 (15ft), Shark on hole #5 (25ft), Gator on hole #14 (22ft) and Lucky on hole #16 (35ft). Each doggie was worth seven bones.
  • THANKS: big thanks to MeekaGolf who jumped in and covered the Doggies for Chadderbox who ran into some problems making him a late arrival.


  • "I've been short all day"
Event: Casselview
Wed Oct 25, 2017
Not available at this time

Today's first star put in a solid performance. He takes down one B Slammer and halves his match against another. He also get the best of Buster T and takes over as the #1 C classer. Going 2-0-1, has a birdie, 2 skins and a doggie, all hail Gator.
This slammer is somewhat like a stealth bomber.....quiet, unassuming and flying under the radar yet packs a wallop. Beating off all challengers Guyser goes 3-0 on the day and also lays claim to 2 doggies. Well done!
Onsite Coordinator
  • Lucky
  • Attendance: 8
  • Scoring Average: 95
  • Birdie Average: 0.63
  • Course Rating: 7
  • Best aspects of course: Fairways
  • The Kids earned $15
Event Fees
  • ST Member: $42
  • EG Member: $36
  • EG Unl. Member: $30

Challenger Defender Hole Challenger Defender Hole
Gator [B8] Shark [B3] 17 BearCat [B47] MeekaGolf [A51] WDN
BearCat [B47] Chadderbox [A15] WDN
BearCat [B47] Guyzer [B16] WDN
Buster T (r) [C2] Lucky [A9] 12
Buster T (r) [C2] Gator [B8] 12
Shark [B3] Lucky [A9] 14
Chadderbox [A15] Guyzer [B16] 15
MeekaGolf [A51] Guyzer [B16] 15
MeekaGolf [A51] Chadderbox [A15] 18
Lucky [A9] Gator [B8] 18
Buster T (r) [C2] Shark [B3] 18

Slammer Score Birds Eagles Dogs Bones Skins Bones Record Points
Guyzer 79 0 0 2 14 0 0 3-0-0 6
Lucky 86 1 0 1 7 2 10 2-0-1 5
Gator 87 1 0 1 7 2 10 2-0-1 5
Chadderbox 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-1-0 4
MeekaGolf 85 1 0 0 0 1 5 1-2-0 2
Shark 91 1 0 1 7 1 5 0-2-1 1
Buster T (r) 97 1 0 0 0 1 5 0-2-1 1
BearCat WDN 0-3-0 0

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOTAL SKINS
PAR 5 4 3 4 3 5 3 4 5 36 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 36 72
Lucky 6 5 2 5 3 5 3 5 6 40 5 5 5 6 6 5 3 4 7 46 86 2
Gator 5 4 5 4 2 7 4 4 7 42 4 5 6 5 3 6 4 4 8 45 87 2
MeekaGolf 4 4 3 5 3 6 4 4 6 39 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 5 46 85 1
Shark 6 6 3 6 3 6 5 7 8 50 5 4 5 4 6 5 3 5 4 41 91 1
Buster T (r) 5 5 5 6 4 7 4 6 7 49 5 6 8 3 4 8 3 5 6 48 97 1
Guyzer 6 4 3 4 3 6 3 5 6 40 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 39 79 0
Chadderbox 7 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 7 44 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 6 5 43 87 0
TOTAL 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 7
Legend E Eagle or Better B Birdie P Par G Bogey or Greater C Cut-off birdie

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
AS AS AS 1U AS AS AS 1U 2U 3U 4U - - -
6 4 3 4 3 6 3 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 - - -
4 4 3 5 3 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 6 5 5 - - -
1U 1U 1U AS AS AS AS AS 1U AS - - -
RESULT: Guyzer wins 4 and 3 Start match at hole:
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